Variable name | Description |
vaRPMleftOut | Actual meassured speed of the left wheel in rpm |
vaRPMrightOut | Actual meassured speed of the right wheel in rpm |
vaCurrentLeftOut | Actual meassured current of the left wheel in mA |
vaCurrentRightOut | Actual meassured current of the right wheel in mA |
xOut | Actual X coordinate of the real trajectory |
yOut | Actual Y coordinate of the real trajectory |
vaSpeedLeftSetp | Setpoint (speed of the left wheel) sent to controller in rpm |
vaSpeedRightSetp | Setpoint (speed of the right wheel) sent to controller in rpm |
vaDistanceSetp | Setpoint (desired travel distance) sent to controller in cm |
vaSpeedLeftSetp | vaSpeedRightSetp | vaDistanceSetp |
Setpoint data | Real object`s data | ||
\(x_{world}\) | \(y_{world}\) | \(x_{world}\) | \(y_{world}\) |
Test questions: |
Please explain in your own, words why there are so much differences between data that we get from mechanism and calculations.
Calculate the change of (x;y) coordinates, if linear speed \(V_x = 65 sm/s\) angle \(θ = 3π/4\), time step \(△t =0.1 s\).
Calculate the rover's angular speed \(ω_x\), if speeds of the wheels \(RPMleft = 210 rpm\), \(RPMright = 120 rpm\), radius of the wheel \(R = 3.25 sm\) and rover length \(L = 16 sm\).
Which physical characteristic was not taken into account for calculations?
Which speed values will not be processed?
What data is necessary to fill in the Real/Mathematical Data table?
How is the rotation speed of motors M1 and M3 measured?
How is the dual motor driver L298N (A5) utilized?
What variable name is used to denote the measured speed of both wheels?
What data can be measured using INA219 sensors (A3-A4) on each of theL298N (A5) channels?